Fix __aligned__ clause parsing
When parsing GNU C aligned(...) attribute, Eclipse CDT returns IASTToken(s), not parsed entities like expressions/literals.
As the aligned attribute allows one integer constant as its argument (or no arguments at all), make a string from token(s) and parse it. Exception: BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT is treated as the machine's biggest alignment (empty clause is treated the same).
Warning. It seems hacky, but I don't want to reimplement parsing of C expressions. Current motivation are expressions from SV-COMP SofwareSystems/uthash subcategory like '_Alignof(long long)'. Still, we cannot parse something like '_Alignof(var)'.
Warning. I catch CParserException so I don't have to propagate it all above or discern where it is actually possible. So I log error message instead and proceed with whatever.
Closes #16 (closed)